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Day Cream vs. Night Cream: Is There a Difference?

As humans, we seek out touch. Like sea otters holding hands while they sleep, our natural instincts prompt us to find comfort in the feel of another. With over 3,000 touch receptors in a single fingertip, our skin is responsible for how we touch, feel, and connect with others. In every way that matters, skin is how we communicate. 

Because skin plays such a huge role in the function of the human condition, it is important that we do everything in our power to keep it at its best. Skincare products designed for the skin’s specific needs can empower your body’s natural skin barrier, optimizing your body’s natural processes and giving your skin the strength, it needs to connect with the world around it. However, that doesn’t mean you need a thousand products to have healthy skin. 

At Furtuna Skin, we follow something we like to call Skinimalism. A “less is more” methodology, we believe that the best skincare routines are the simplest. To trim your routine of excess products, it’s time to take a hard look at what skincare products you really need. Let’s look at one of the internet's most popular questions: is there a difference between day cream and night cream, and do you need both? 

What Is Day Cream?

Ruled by your body’s natural circadian rhythm, your skin has different needs during the day versus at night. While you’re awake, protection is your skin’s top priority, so it harnesses all its strength into blocking extrinsic threats and maintaining your skin barrier. Whether you have dry skin or overly oily skin cells, day creams and lotions are designed to support your skin’s barrier. 

Who Should Use Day Cream?

If your skin is sensitive to external factors like air pollutants, UV rays, or even your own stress, consider adding a day cream to your skincare routine. Available in different concentrations with different ingredients, there is a wide variety of creams to fit your specific skin needs. Someday creams even contain sunscreen, boasting sun protection of up to SPF 30 with each use. 

How Can You Add Day Cream to Your Beauty Routine?

To strengthen your skin’s barrier from the inside out, give Furtuna Skin’s Daily Renewal Cream a try. Made with ingredients like Olive Leaf Water and free radical-busting antioxidants, this cream is paraben and fragrance-free. To recalibrate your skin, start your morning right with this daytime moisturizer. 

What Is Night Cream?

Unlike during the day, your skin does not need to fight against extrinsic threats at night. So, while your body sleeps, your skin redirects its energy into other processes.

Your skin’s capacity for moisture retention declines at night, so night cream seeks to supply that missing hydration. And with the power to support collagen production, this skincare product has the power to reduce signs of aging. 

Who Should Use Night Cream?

More than just getting a few extra hours of beauty sleep, if you want to increase the brightness and elasticity of your skin, add a nighttime moisturizing cream to your skincare routine. Thanks to its collagen-boosting qualities, night cream can smooth skin texture and reduce the appearance of fine lines in people with mature skin, making this product essential to those looking to reduce signs of aging. 

How Can You Add Night Cream to Your Beauty Routine?

For a double dose of hydration and regeneration, bolster your beauty routine with our Nightly Renewal Cream. With replenishing ceramides, powerful adaptogens, Ashwagandha, and collagen-boosting algae, as well as sustainably sourced ingredients like retinol alternative bakuchiol, brighten your skin while you sleep with night cream.

Is There a Difference Between Day Cream and Night Cream?

Because your skin has different priorities during the day versus at night, it has drastically different skincare needs. To fulfill these needs, day cream and night cream use different ingredients. 

Furtuna Skin’s Day Protect Mode Ingredients

During the day, your skin needs to strengthen its defense against oxidative stress and make up for the moisture lost at night. To support natural collagen production and skin renewal while you’re awake, day creams utilize ingredients high in antioxidants and skin barrier boosters. 

  • Lamb’s Quarter: Gentle as a lamb and strong as a lion, this ancient plant is a naturally effective equalizer that helps balance sebum levels and clarify skin. High in linoleic acid, it helps clear the way to a pristine complexion. 
  • Fennel Seed: A superior skin soother and defender, this natural ingredient is burning with brightening vitamin C and skin-balancing minerals. 
  • Strawberry Tree: A symbol of miracles and immortality, strawberry tree serums give skin new life. While promoting natural circulation to diminish skin puffiness and bloating, this natural ingredient shields skin from environmental aggressors that devitalize skin. 
  • Water Celery: With its high antioxidant activity and exceptional phenol content, this wild-forged botanical ramps up protection against environmental stress during the day when your skin needs it most. Rich in vitamin e, this veg also brightens the complexion and defense against dulling pollutants. 

Furtuna Skin’s Night Repair Mode Ingredients

But the needs of your skin are entirely different at night. After a full day of action, your skin redirects energy into repairs, taking advantage of the peaceful evening hours. Especially between midnight and 1 am, when renewal is at its peak, night cream delivers active ingredients to repair your skin while you sleep. 

  • Purslane: This powerhouse medicinal plant helps bolster the skin matrix and natural collagen production, resulting in a visibly lifting effect. Rich in natural and active ingredients, this nighttime ingredient leaves the skin stronger so it can take in nutrients more effectively. 
  • Illyrian Thistle: This purple-hued bloom reinforces the natural moisture barrier and enhances hydration to compensate for the extra moisture skin loses at night. Loaded with linoleic acid, it softens, soothes, and replenishes skin for a flawless look. 
  • Nettle Leaf: Helpful to both day and night creams, this ingredient works around the Circadian clock to support your natural skin barrier. Full of vitamins A, B, C, and K plus additional minerals, this small leaf supports the skin in big ways. Replenishing moisture by day and increasing renewal by night, this plant helps balance sebum levels and clarifies as it hydrates, smoothing fine lines and renewing your luminous glow. 

Skin Rhythm

When it comes to skincare and the rhythms of day and night, it’s all about give and take. 

Our skin carries out different functions during the day and night. Thus, day and night creams work to benefit our skin differently, too. Working in tandem with the body’s 24-hour hormone cycle, both creams feature our Circadian Rhythm Complex to support the skin around the clock. 

Furtuna Skin brings the dramatic wellness benefits of Chrononutrition™ to skincare by strategically timing the delivery of nutrients from our Wildly Potent® plants to coordinate with skin’s Circadian clock. Skin tends to take in nutrients in different proportions depending on the time of day, so perfectly timing the delivery of ingredients is imperative to maximize benefits.

What’s the Best Way to Use Day Cream and Night Cream?

When it comes to using day cream and night cream, the process is the same as using other face or eye creams. Apply your day cream to a clean face in the morning, working in small circular motions to deliver the best benefits. And at night, apply your night cream the same way. 

The Bottom Line

While some skincare brands focus on minimalism, here at Furtuna Skin, we focus on Skinimalism. Skincare shouldn’t be a complicated process that you dread. Like the best self-care habits, skincare should fit into the natural rhythm of your life. 

For a routine that fits your body and lifestyle, cut the fluff of your routine and focus only on natural products that produce powerful results. 



A Handy Guide to Touch | John Hopkins 

Skin barrier function | PMC 

A Collagen Supplement Improves Skin Hydration, Elasticity, Roughness, and Density: Results of a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Blind Study | PMC 


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